मुख्य क्रियाकलाप

Major Activities of the CONEP

CONEP has been conducting various programmes to fulfill its objectives. Major activities are as follows:

  1. Played viral role in Historical people movement (2006) to establish peace, democracy and trade union rights.
  2. Placed demand letters to Government of Nepal to alleviate the problematic condition of employees at various sectors and conducted various activities such as procession, public agitation, public meeting.
  3. Submitted letter of memorandum to government to guarantee the rights of association as well as trade union right.
  4. Organised movement against price hike of petroleum and other consumer products.
  5. Organised processions every year on the occasion of International May day and International Women Labour day.
  6. Organised processions and talk programme against violence, terrorism and regression prevalent in the country.
  7. Conducted Mediation between government and trade unions.
  8. Expressed solidarity on movements conducted on the movements conducted by various Trade Unions and Professional associations.
  9. Published bulletin comprising of confederation’s activities.
  10. Conducted various interaction programmes.
  11. Conducted talk programmes on economic policies and budget of the government and submitted confederation’s view on these matters.
  12. Conducted Trade Union Education Program.

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प्रेस विज्ञप्ती 2023.04.30

पेसागत महासङ्घ नेपालको सातौँ राष्ट्रिय महाधिवेशन

पेसागत महासङ्घ नेपालको सातौँ राष्ट्रिय महाधिवेशन


पेसाकर्मीहरूको सेवासुरक्षा, समान अवसर, समृद्ध जीवन र सुनिश्चित भविष्यका लागि समाजवाद महासङ्घको लक्ष्य


Lainchaur, Kathmandu, Nepal

+977 01 4525525, 4527602, 4535574 / Fax : 977 01 4435574